KGB GULAG Mafia and Buteyko Doctors

- Updated on August 3, 2019

KGB GULAG Mafia and Buteyko Doctors 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

Try to imagine: the Minister of Health of the USSR comes to some hospital patients and say to them, “Hi, folks. You will be visited by one crazy doctor Buteyko, who will try to enroll you in a clinical trial for his breathing technique. You all should refuse… How many people would follow this appeal? The next question then is: Which state authority may come and make 100% of patients agree to reject K. Buteyko? Similar situations can be analyzed in relation to a medical practice. Would, for example, the Health Minister be able to prevent ordinary asthma sufferers from learning the method? Who would achieve better compliance of patients using some dodgy techniques and slimy excuses?

It is simply too naive to think and believe that KGB would have nothing to do with the super secret project that was led by Dr. K. Buteyko in relation to optimum air composition, breathing retraining, CO2 effects, etc. Again, compare Buteyko situation with the situation of the famous Oxford Professor John Haldane, who was hired in 1920- 1930’s by British Navy to study air in submarines and whose name then disappeared from the world scientific community. Clearly, each Buteyko’s act, word, trial, publication, and conversation was controlled by Siberian KGB. Who were they in the 1960s?

During 1930s-1950s over 10 million Soviet people died due to repressions and persecutions organized by Stalin and Soviet secret service. What happened later in the 1960s after Stalin’s death? The Soviet state and its officials did absolutely nothing in relation to those Gulag executioners, who were guilty in killing of millions of Soviet civilians, mostly in Soviet Siberian labor camps (Gulag), as described by a Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who miraculously survived this hell and wrote his famous “The Gulag Archipelago

There is no historical evidence about the existence or activities of some medical Mafia in the 1960s in the USSR. There was no literary or newspapers mafia during those Soviet times either, but many Soviet writers, reporters, and journalists were persecuted by KGB agents who manipulated relevant state officials and organized various dirty tricks to destroy and spoil personal health, work, relationships, success, and other aspects of one’s life.

No medical official could plot a murder, falsify results of medical trials, manipulate patients and medical officials or organize other acts of vandalism and sadism against the leading Soviet physiologist Konstantin Buteyko and his colleagues in the 1960s and later without direct guidance from KGB secret agents. This was the nature of the Soviet state.

Note that after Stalin’s death in 1954, KGB agents could not anymore openly imprison, torture, and/or persecute progressive people or Soviet free thinkers. Hence, KGB agents switched to clandestine manipulation of surrounding people, including relatives, friends, co-workers, supervisors, and others, as well as using poisons, drugs, as-if-natural accidents, mishaps, and murder. As a result, many people got a wrong impression that Dr. K. Buteyko and his colleagues were persecuted by some medical Mafia.

For more information on this rather humanitarian, psychological, social, spiritual, and historical topic (persecutions, harassment, obedience to authority, Gulag roots, comparisons with Nazi’s Holocaust and Milgram’ studies) one can study these articles about roots, foundation, and behavior of modern Siberian KGB-FSB Gulag agents and their followers who, after killing millions of Soviet people in the 1930’s-1950’s, are still thriving in Siberia and harass the world with crimes.

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