BPT (Buteyko Practitioner Training) Pages

- Updated on April 24, 2023

Pages of this site related to BPT (Buteyko Practitioner Training)

General overview of Buteyko Teacher Training: Details of BPT around the world and differences between various schools.

BPT (Buteyko Practitioner Training) and Certification by Dr. Artour Rakhimov: Overview and testimonials of some Buteyko teachers about Artour’s BPT.

Buteyko Practitioner Training in Exchange for Work (You Can Even Earn): Many trainees become teachers for being involved in various NormalBreathing projects.

Interviews and Reviews by Artour Rakhimov: Interviews with and by Artour Rakhimov, as well as his reviews of various methods, devices, and techniques including review of the AYO BT+ Training Device (aimwellbreathing.com) that measures MV, VT, and other parameters in real time.

EtCO2 and Capnography: EtCO2 (End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide) Monitoring and Capnography Waveforms.

Et CO2 and Health: End-Tidal CO2 and Different Health Problems

Review of Western Clinical Trials of the Buteyko Method (Buteyko Trials): Why clinical trials show limited success in relation to asthma? Why not all 100% of experimental subjects recover from al asthma symptoms?

Courtney-Cohen Claims Regarding Breath Holding Time, CO2 and the Buteyko Method: Does etCO2 correlate well with the Buteyko CP test since the idea of health improvement for the Buteyko method is based on CO2?