- Updated on July 31, 2019
By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author
– An immediate decrease and, later, complete elimination of medication.
– Increase in the CP is accompanied by normalization of immunity.
– With the increased CP, allergic reactions become less severe and the number of allergens, which can provoke asthma attacks, decreases.
– Improved physical endurance and improved quality of life.
– Avoidance of triggers and high CPs (over 35 s 24/7) for 2-3 weeks lead to complete disappearance of allergies, the disappearance of swelling and inflammation in airways, and normalization of lungs’ tests.
●Chronic bronchitis
– An immediate decrease and, later, elimination of the main symptoms of the disease (a cough, dyspnea, heavy breathing, general tiredness, and fatigue).
– Reduction in swelling and hypersecretion from the mucosal surfaces of bronchi, and elimination of elements of bronchoconstriction.
– Increase in the CP is accompanied by normalization of immunity.
– Prevention of complications (e.g., pneumonia).
– Significant improvements in the quality of life.
●Acute respiratory diseases, including influenza and cold
– Reduction of recovery time from 5-7 days to 1-2 days.
– Prevention of complications (e.g., sinusitis, laryngeal tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).
– Increase in the CP is accompanied by normalization of immunity.
– Prevention of complications from chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, hypertension, and myocardial ischemia.
– An immediate decrease and, later, complete elimination of the main symptoms of the disease (a cough and dyspnea) and symptoms of intoxication (general weakness and fatigue).
– Increase in the CP is accompanied by normalization of immunity.
– A decrease in swelling and hypersecretion of mucus from the bronchi.
– Significant reduction of the time of recovery.
●Rhinitis, sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, metopantritis, maxillary sinusitis)
– Immediate complete or partial restoration of nasal breathing.
– A decrease in doses of vasoconstrictive medications.
– Prevention of appearance of pain and symptoms of intoxication.
– Increase in the CP is accompanied by normalization of immunity and disappearance of inflammatory changes, decrease in swelling and hypersecretion of mucus from the nasal passages, and decrease in frequency of acute episodes of the disease.
– Surgical interventions become unnecessary.
– Immediate prevention of progression of the disease, improvement in arterial blood oxygenation tests, and reduction in medication (e.g., cortisol, beta-antagonists, etc.).
– With the increased CP, gradual reduction in production of mucus, if it was present, ability to walk faster with nasal breathing, and improved ability to walk upstairs.
– Use of oxygen 24/7 or lung transplantation becomes unnecessary.
– Years of high CP (about 35 s or more) 24/7 result in gradual regeneration of alveoli and complete restoration of the lungs with normal X-ray results.
– Significant improvements in the quality of life.