- Updated on February 28, 2020
* Module 11-10. PKD Paleomedicina Diet Review
By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author
In this article and video below, Dr. Artour Rakhimov reviews amazing results and outstanding work of medical doctors from Paleomedicina Hungary headed by Dr. Zsofia Clemens and Csaba Toth, MD who achieved amazing results in the treatment of severe health problems including metastatic cancer of stages 3 and 4, diabetes 1, colitis and Crohn’s disease, severe arthritis, etc.) with reversal of symptoms and medication leading to clinical remission,
The English version of the website of Paleomedicina Hungary is https://www.paleomedicina.com/en.
Note that it happens in such a way that our old idea about achieving no soiling (no need for toilet paper) became even more important than I suspected. It was a part of the NormalBreathing Course for over 10 years starting from about 2006-2008.
We also know that Dr. Buteyko and medical doctors whom he trained discovered a long time ago that any digestive health condition (even with serious or severely abnormal intestinal permeability) are reversed when students achieve Buteyko health levels 5-7 (morning CPs 40-60 s), Thus, breathing retraining is able to restore normal immunity and eliminate autoimmunity provided that the student (person) normalized his or her automatic breathing pattern. That is an important medical discovery that needs to be mentioned in this PKD diet review.
Reviews and PDFs of published medical studies on PKD from Paleomedicina
Here are some of the reviews and PDFs of published medical studies in English by Dr. Zsófia Clemens and Csaba Toth, MD, doctors from Paleomedicina Hungary.
PKD for childhood epilepsy
2013: A case study: 7yo female: childhood absence epilepsy (about 50 absence seizures a day), socially withdrawn, special needs child. At 6 weeks on the PKD, no seizures at all up to the end (14 months); improved in the social area and emotionally, a good student in a regular school.
– PDF of the article: Childhood Absence Epilepsy Successfully Treated with the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet.
Recurrent lung cancer treated with PKD
2014: A case study: 58 yo female: recurrent lung cancer (bronchial cancer), shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, fatigue, gall bladder removed; seven medications (valsartan, hydrochlorothiazide, allopurinol, nebivolol, aceclofenac, furosemide, and potassium chloride). Started paleolithic ketogenic diet in 2013. All symptoms disappeared in 6 months; consistent regression in the size of the tumor; returned to work and excellent life quality. No problems with absorption of animal fats (no gall bladder)
– PDF of the article: Recurrent Tumor Of The Main Bronchus Successfully Managed With The Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet.
Type 1 diabetes reversed with PKD
2014: 19 yo male: symptoms: increased thirst, polyuria, itchy skin, and weight loss; diagnosed type 1 diabetes; prescribed insulin (38 IU) and standard conventional diabetes diet (6 meals with 240 grams carbohydrate daily); too low C-peptide levels. After the PKD, normalized C-peptide levels in 2 months. Followed up to 6 months – no need for insulin and no symptoms – The first-ever publication showing increased C-peptide due to a dietary intervention.
– PDF of the article: Tóth C, Clemens Z. Type 1 diabetes mellitus successfully managed with the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Int J Case Rep Images 2014;5(10):699–703.
Gilbert’s syndrome, fatigue, migraine, and dermatitis reversed with PKD
2015: A case study: 30 yo female: Complete clinical remission of Gilbert’s syndrome (hyperbilirubinaemia or impaired conjugation of bilirubin in the liver), fatigue, migraine, and granulomatosus dermatitis. Paleo diet reversed Gilbert’s Syndrome but not other symptoms. The PKD reversed fatigue, migraine, and dermatitis.
– PDF of the article: Csaba Tóth, and Zsófia Clemens, Gilbert’s Syndrome Successfully Treated with the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet, American Journal of Medical Case Reports, vol. 3, no. 4 (2015): 117-120.
PKD against chronic cholecystitis, hyperglycemia with impaired glucose tolerance
2015: 65 yo obese female: gallbladder surgery due to chronic cholecystitis, hyperglycemia with impaired glucose tolerance, frequent high blood pressure spike, angiopathy, retinopathy, bloody stool, reflux esophagitis, 8 different drugs. Intervention: PKD (animal products with little of root vegetables, onion, and cabbage) with four months of vitamin D3 (2000 IU). 7 drugs stopped on day 3, bisoprolol discontinued in two weeks. Free of all symptoms for 20 months, body weight decreased 95.2 kg to 81.1 kg, no side effects, ok to eat a high-fat diet with no gallbladder.
– PDF of the article: Tóth C, Clemens Z. Successful treatment of a patient with obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension with the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Int J Case Rep Images 2015;6(3):161–167.
Crohn’s disease treated with PKD (paleo keto diet)
2016: 14 yo boy: iron deficiency anemia, fatigue, lower abdominal tenderness, fever, perianal dermatitis, night sweats, swelling of the knee, Normalization of intestinal permeability (confirmed by polyethylene glycol challenge test (PEG 400); complete remission and long-term freedom of medicines. At 15 months: free of symptoms as well as side effects.
– PDF of the article: Csaba Tóth et al, Crohn’s disease successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet, Int J Case Rep Images 2016; 7(9): 570–578.
2017: Three cases of patients with high-grade brain tumors (glioblastomas). Commonly, such patients have about 6 months to live after their cancer is discovered. All patients used PKD. Two patients used PKD as a stand-alone therapy and were free from the progression of disease and symptoms for over 1 and 2 years correspondingly. One patient decided to apply radiotherapy, steroidal medication, and other ”alternative” health treatments. That caused disease progression and quick death.
– PDF of the article: SD Treatment of High-Grade Brain Tumor Using the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD): Three Cases, Clemens S et al, The Staffan Lindeberg Memorial Conference, Lisbon 2017; DOI: 10.28973/lindeberg.pm/po1.
More PDF files to follow on these research topics: severe metastatic cancers, glioblastomas, etc.
This YouTube video below explains how to overcome the deadly effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy (for patients with cancer stages 3 and 4) on low carb diets (such as PKD, carnivore, zero carbs, etc.).
Related page: Cancer Treatment that Reverses Even Stages 3/4: PKD/Carnivore Diet and Buteyko.