Startup NormalBreathing Jobs – Careers: Internship Writers, Editors, and Assistants

- Updated on September 17, 2024

Startup NormalBreathing Jobs - Careers: Internship Writers, Editors, and Assistants 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

Online startup jobs in health (with a health challenge for you)

  • – Industry: Alternative Health
  • – Will Cover Interviewing and Training Relocation Expenses: Yes (either within Europe or North America)
  • – Salary (after training): 15 GBP/hour, 17.5 euro/hour or 20 USD/hour (with minimum 4 hours per day and 6-month minimum contract) with other arrangements (to be discussed).

The NormalBreathing team is expanding. After 12 years of slow but steady growth with 100s of online freelancers working on various projects, Dr. Artour is now looking for long-term online assistants working in the area of public health and chronic diseases.

Common requirements for all candidates

A. Self-control: indifference to alcohol abuse, smoking, street drugs, sex outside marriage, and gambling in relation to your personal lifestyle
B. Abilities to:

  • – follow simple instructions
  • – work with deadlines to complete specific assignments and projects
  • – ability to work without supervision (or alone) with the same speed and efficiency as under supervision
  • – pay attention to details of any job or project (including your grammar and what/how you write to us)
  • – do monotonous work (even Dr. Artour often spends hours per day on some work routines)
  • – honor your word (keeping promises, being in time for meetings/appointments, speedy sharing of concerns related to any of your delays, hidden problems, etc.
  • – be fast in communication (replying to emails within a day).

C. Learning the method that we teach to achieve over 60 s for the CP (body oxygen) DIY test 24/7 so that you can experience super health and write about it. To achieve normal breathing 24/7 is also the main health goal of our 2-month training. Up to 2 hours of daily breathwork and 2 hours of devoted daily physical exercise are required to achieve this goal.

D. Typing speed of at least 40 WPM (words per minute) without mistakes (that is just above the average).

You need to satisfy all common requirements A-D in order to apply for this job.

At the current moment, we accept applications only from Prime Candidates, Nearly Prime Candidates, and Shortlisted Candidates. Here are the requirements for these 3 groups of applicants.

Requirements for Prime Candidates

  • 1. Great results for your secondary (high school, or college, or equivalent) education with over 90% for grades (e.g., As only, or over 3.7 GPA, or Honors, etc.)
  • 2. Native (or equivalent) English with excellent writing and editing skills
  • 3. Physical exercise at the (initial) level of 1 hour per day since physical activity, according to our philosophy, is the key long-term factor of good physical and mental health.

Please write “Prime Candidate” in the subject line of your email.

Requirements for Nearly Prime Candidates

If only one quality (from the list of requirements for Prime Candidates) is slightly off the mark (you have over 80% for school grades or some “B”s with all others “A”s, or have good but not native English or have less daily exercise), please write “Nearly Prime Candidate” in the subject line of your email and explain what is missing.

Requirements for Shortlisted Candidates

If two qualities (from the list of requirements for Prime Candidates) are slightly off the marks, please write “Shortlisted Candidate” in the subject line of your email and explain what is missing.

Requirements for Other Candidates

If more than two qualities (from the list of requirements for Prime Candidates) are not satisfied, you can still submit your application provided that you are very passionate and determined to learn and achieve normal breathing. Please provide this detail in your email.

New NormalBreathing projects (areas of your future work)

You will be involved with projects that include:

  • – Creation of the video course to learn breathing retraining online
  • – Editing and creation of new Amazon and PDF books (in Kindle, paperback, PDF, and audio formats), in addition to 11 books that you can see here
  • – Creation of instructional and educational videos (for YouTube and other video hosting platforms) and conduction of interviews in the role of a journalist (asking questions) for the creation of new videos. Our current YouTube Channel, with 140+ videos, is here:
  • – Editing existing pages and creating new web pages in the areas of health, diet, fitness, meditation/yoga, and treatment of chronic diseases. There are over 500 pages on this site: sitemap
  • – Help and assistance in teaching health to new students online, writing emails to students, and organizing workshops and training courses to live students.

We also have a new project related creation of textbooks and videos with the topic title “Relationships and Sex Education for Teenagers: Making Her Spirit and Grace Matter – The Solution to Chaos” ( – under construction), as well as war-peace social projects.

How to achieve 60 s morning CP (your health challenge)

Option 1. You can achieve this health state (normal breathing with more than 60 s for the body oxygen test in the morning and 24/7) yourself using any methods and techniques including those provided in DIY Learning Modules of the NormalBreathing site.

Option 2 (2-month training with others). You can participate in breathing retraining classes that will be provided for members of the NormalBreathing Team during your internship and for trainees (who want to become teachers). These classes include about 25 hours of teaching lessons from Level 2 (to get 30+ s morning CP) and Advanced courses (to get 60+ s MCP).

Here are some common and expected effects related to high body oxygenation.

Natural lifestyle choices before and after breathing retraining

Lifestyle factor: Body oxygen < 30 s Body oxygen > 50 s
Energy level Medium, low, or very low High
Desire to exercise Not strong, but possible Craving and joy of exercise
Intensive exercise with nose breathing Hard or impossible Easy and effortless
Typical mind states Confusion, anxiety, depression Focus, concentration, clarity
Craving for sugar and junk foods Present Absent
Addictions to smoking, alcohol, and drugs Possible Absent
Desire to eat raw foods Weak and rare Very common and natural
Correct posture Rare and requires efforts Natural and automatic
Sleep Often of poor quality; > 7 hours Excellent quality; < 5 hours naturally

Our experience with 1,000s of students indicates that it is impossible to achieve ideal physical health without having 2 hours of daily physical exercise, 1-2 hours of breathing exercises (similar to yoga pranayama and meditation), and lifestyle changes (sleep, diet, etc.). You can find more details about lifestyle changes in Learning Modules on this website. Your daily involvement in physical exercise, or, at least, a desire to move forward in this area, up to 2 hours per day, is necessary in order to apply. (We teach how to enjoy and crave exercise naturally while getting more time from naturally shortened sleep!)

Having normal breathing and more than 60 s of body oxygen automatically provides very short and effective sleep (less than 5 hours naturally); desire or craving to do 2-3 hours of physical exercise daily; amazing clarity of mind; disappearance of addictions; and many other physical and spiritual benefits described, for example, in ancient yoga texts and yoga books written many decades ago.

Details of 2-month training (internship)

During the whole internship, you will be paid hourly for your work (the location/conditions are to be discussed, all transportation expenses are paid both ways), while working for 15-20 hours per week plus having 1-2 hours of training per day (related to your online work and breathing retraining). Your income will cover your housing and meals.

Note that you will likely need to relocate for 2-month training (there is a small chance that some trainings can be organized in large cities or nearby, such as Berlin, Hamburg, Toronto, or Philadelphia).

If you have concerns about the safety of trainings, we can provide you with references from several females in their 20’s-50’s who attended our past trainings with Dr. Artour to become trained as practitioners or working as assistants.

Those who are interested in further details of 2-month training and this position (traveling, tickets, housing, meals, having laptops, etc.), visit NormalBreathing training details.

Payment details and issues related to work permits are discussed here: Payments for NormalBreathing trainees and assistants.

Other details of the job are discussed here: Extra details for assistants.

The intention and primary goal of this training is to teach you extra skills (1-2 hours per day). There will be 2 types of lessons during this extra time:

  • – teaching basics of SEO, the creation of web pages, video making, and other online skills
  • – lessons related to your physical health in order to achieve easy relaxed normal breathing with over 60 seconds for your body oxygenation.

Long-term work
Jobs-employed secretary and assistants With easy and slow breathing (with more than 60 s for the body oxygen test 24/7) and your ability to do work (in relation to your health and within the team), this opportunity will lead to a long-term work (even for 2-3 new assistants) for the NormalBreathing team (online or relocate). You will have at least 4 hours per day of work (or 20 hours weekly) for at least 6 months after your successful internship.

How to apply for this job

To test your ability to be accurate and pay attention to details, we ask you to send us in your email the following details:

  • – the URL address of this page
  • – your statement that you satisfy all three common requirements (see above: A-C)
  • – your CV and GCSE or equivalent details with grades for your secondary education and college/university
  • – results for your English tests (if you have any) if you are not a native speaker
  • – the indication that you have an intention/desire to learn the method (making lifestyle changes, practicing breathing exercises up to 2 hours per day, and having up to 2 hours of total daily physical activity during 2-month training)
  • – your ability to relocate for 2-month training either in Europe or North America (you can work from home or your preferred location later).

Send your cover letter and all details to this email address:
“dr.artour.rakhimov” followed by “@” and then by “”.

We have the next training starting in fall 2024, possibly in London, UK. Looking forward to working with you.