- Updated on November 1, 2020
By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author
Inflammatory Stages and Symptoms Correlate with Body O2
1. Acute inflammation
The acute inflammation (the first stage) includes such classical symptoms as redness, pain, immobility (or loss of function), heat and swelling.
The inflammatory response is based on reactions of the immune system to injury. The immune system sends many white blood cells including neutrophils in order to release free radicals that include reactive oxygen- and reactive nitrogen species. The purpose of their release is to destroy bacteria that are commonly present in the site of injury. These reactive species also destroy damaged cells. These are logical and useful effects related to the inflammatory response. Free radicals are effective destroyers due to their ability to “borrow” electrons from other molecules.
Here is one problem with this commonly taught picture of the inflammatory response. Free radicals also penetrate or diffuse into surrounding healthy tissues and destroy healthy cells. This leads to the classic signs of the inflammatory response: redness, pain, immobility (or loss of function), heat and swelling. This scenario takes place only when the organism is ungrounded or electrically insulated from Earth.
When the human body is grounded (as a physical body) to Earth, the net charge is the negative indicating presence of free electrons. As a result of grounding, the inflammatory response follows a different scenario: free radicals attack only damaged cells and bacteria, while there is no damage to healthy cells and no or less redness, pain, immobility, swelling, and heat.
2. Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation can be local or systemic. The second stage (chronic) is defined as inflammation that is present for some weeks (depending on the condition).
Practice shows that, for treatment of chronic inflammation, just grounding of the body is not enough to eliminate inflammation and heal tissues completely. Why? The inflammatory response also causes or intensifies existing overbreathing or hyperventilation that leads to even lower body-O2 content, which can persist for a long time and eventually become chronic. This effect of low body O2 due to overbreathing is exceptionally common in modern people (see the Homepage for details).
All these undesirable effects commonly occur only in conditions of electron deficiency. In natural conditions, when the organism (of humans or animals) is grounded to Earth, free electrons from Earth (that has a slight negative charge) change the modern-day picture so that none of these symptoms are observed.
Thanks to recent clinical discoveries, we now have a more clear picture that explains inflammatory response and why it transforms into chronic and a systemic inflammation due to cell hypoxia. Alveolar hypocapnia caused by hyperventilation is also present in people with diseases. It leads to low oxygen tension in the heart, brain, kidneys, colon, liver and systemic cell hypoxia (see links with references below). Cell hypoxia is a known additional fuel for chronic inflammation. Medical biologists have finally been able to pinpoint some mechanisms of this relationship. Among other driving forces of chronic inflammation, according to recent 2009-2012 research studies, are hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (Imtiyaz & Simon, 2010; Sumbayev & Nicholas SA, 2010) and pro-inflammatory transcription factors such as nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) and activator protein (AP)-1 (Safronova & Morita, 2010; Ryan et al, 2009).
3. Systemic chronic inflammation
The final stage, in case of progress, is systemic chronic inflammation. It is suggested that immune-related cells (due to the chronic activation of the innate immune system) release pro-inflammatory cytokines.
According to over 150 Soviet MDs practicing breathing retraining, systemic inflammation commonly occurs when the body O2 levels drop below 10 s indicating an inability of blood to prevent the presence of various unwanted chemicals in the blood. Less than 20 s for the body O2 test favors chronic inflammation due to whole body hypoxia with elevated lactate and other effects related to anaerobic cellular respiration and generation of free radicals in cells.
Therefore, in order to get rid of abnormal inflammatory response and resultant chronic inflammation (treatment stage), it is important to ground the human body using simple techniques (see Earthing) and treat tissue hypoxia caused by hyperventilation using breathing normalization.