- Updated on August 3, 2019
By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author
What causes the progression of HIV-AIDS on a cell level? A critically low body or cell oxygen level (tissue hypoxia) as the central HIV-AIDS cause on a cellular level have been suggested and confirmed by numerous medical studies (Wang et al, 1993; Mootsikapun et al, 1996; Khare & Sharland, 1999; Pellicelli et al, 2001; Zhang et al, 2002; Deshmane et al, 2009; Long et al, 2009). In particular, more recent studies conducted in the Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Pathology of the Louis Pasteur Hospital (Nice, France) observed that a higher expression of the hypoxia-inducible factor -1 was associated with Kaposi sarcoma progression (Long et al, 2009).
Why could people with HIV have abnormally low body oxygenation?
Other medical studies found that severely sick HIV-AIDS patients (Stage 4: Progression from HIV to AIDS) have very large respiratory rates. Their average breathing frequency at rest was 29 to 49 breaths per minute in one study (Zhongguo et al, 2004), and about 30 breaths/min in another (Montaner et al,1993), while the medical norm for adults is 10-12 breaths/min. A high respiratory rate was a normal clinical finding for 59 HIV-AIDS patients with interstitial infiltrates on chest radiographs (Knauer et al, 2005). This group of the severely sick patients had tuberculosis, Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), bacterial pneumonia (20.3%) and fungal pneumonia (10.2%).
Another cardiorespiratory parameter (the heart rate) was measured in 2 of these studies. The Chinese study (Zhongguo et al, 2004) found that the pulse of their HIV-AIDS patients ranged from 89 to 145 beats/min, while the Canadian doctors reported that their patients had the average pulse of 100 beats per minute (Montaner et al,1993). All this evidence points out the main physiological cause of HIV-AIDS progression.
It is known that chronic hyperventilation leads to elevated heart rates in many groups of patients (e.g., asthma, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other conditions). Generally, the advance of any respiratory and/or inflammatory condition is manifested in higher heart rates, as it is reflected in the Buteyko Table of Health Zones. Hence, the results testify about the presence of severe hyperventilation in all these patients.
Hence, the cause of HIV-AIDS is ineffective breathing and classical symptoms of hyperventilation have been known to medical professionals for many decades. They include: poor perfusion of all vital organs due to hypocapnia, reduced cell oxygen content due to CO2-induced vasoconstriction and the suppressed Bohr effect, immune dysfunction caused by cell hypoxia, mental symptoms due to low CO2 and O2 levels in the brain, and hundreds of other abnormalities that affect virtually all chemical reactions and processes in the human body, as well as all vital organs.
The HIV virus does not cause the development of AIDS and death. All symptoms, including changes in the lungs, the development of yeast infections (Candida), skin rashes and many others take place naturally in other people due to the presence of hyperventilation. Hence, the HIV virus simply reinforces the pathological effects caused by hyperventilation. In order to check these findings, a patient should find his respiratory parameters and see how these parameters relate to his symptoms.
HIV/AIDS clinical trial reveals its cause
Russian doctors practicing the Buteyko breathing method had a clinical trial for a group of HIV patients with very encouraging results. For these doctors, the body oxygen level (CP test – see instructions below) is the main measuring tool of personal health. They discovered that with a higher body oxygen content or CP (due to breathing exercises and lifestyle changes), typical manifestations of HIV-AIDS disappear. Thus, the participants had their standard medication and practiced breath work, as a supplementary technique to fight HIV-AIDS and the effects of hypoxia. I translated the official report about this HIV-AIDS clinical trial.
Abnormal breathing causes HIV-AIDS
What are the usual results for the body-oxygen test for HIV-AIDS patients? The results for the CP (a simple body-oxygen test), according to Russian clinical research, are linked with typical symptoms and stages of HIV-AIDS. You can find exact CP results for different HIV stages on this page: HIV AIDS treatment.
The natural and stress-free body-oxygen test is also valuable in numerous situations to check the effects of various factors, including sleep, exercise, diet, etc. on the HIV-AIDS cause. To increase body oxygen test results and slow down breathing rates are the central goals of the Buteyko method. What reduces one’s body oxygen level? The main physiological factors include a lack of physical activity, exercise with mouth breathing, sleeping too long and/or on the back, overeating, overheating, stress, poor posture, and many others.
Hence, breathing retraining or the normalization of breathing parameters is necessary for faster health restoration. Furthermore, any HIV-AIDS treatment program must have breathing techniques as a necessary part for health restoration and the elimination of the main physiological cause of HIV-AIDS.
Deshmane SL1, Mukerjee R, Fan S, Del Valle L, Michiels C, Sweet T, Rom I, Khalili K, Rappaport J, Amini S, Sawaya BE, Activation of the oxidative stress pathway by HIV-1 Vpr leads to induction of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha expression, J Biol Chem. 2009 Apr 24;284(17):11364-73. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M809266200. Epub 2009 Feb 9.
Khare MD, Sharland M, Pulmonary manifestations of pediatric HIV infection, Indian J Pediatr. 1999 Nov-Dec;66(6):895-904.
Knauer A1, Das AK, Tansuphasawadikul S, Supanaranond W, Pitisuttithum P, Wernsdorfer WH, Clinical features, aetiology and short-term outcome of interstitial pneumonitis in HIV/AIDS patients at Bamrasnaradura Hospital, Nonthaburi, Thailand, Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2005;117 Suppl 4:49-55.
Montaner JS1, Guillemi S, Quieffin J, Lawson L, Le T, O’Shaughnessy M, Ruedy J, Schechter MT, Oral corticosteroids in patients with mild Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), Tuber Lung Dis. 1993 Jun;74(3):173-9.
Mootsikapun P1, Chetchotisakd P, Intarapoka B, Pulmonary infections in HIV infected patients, J Med Assoc Thai. 1996 Aug;79(8):477-85.
Pellicelli AM1, Barbaro G, Palmieri F, Girardi E, D’Ambrosio C, Rianda A, Barbarini G, Frigiotti D, Borgia MC, Petrosillo N, Primary pulmonary hypertension in HIV patients: a systematic review, Angiology. 2001 Jan;52(1):31-41.
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Wang MZ1, Cai BQ, Li LY, Lin JT, Su N, Yu HX, Gao H, Zhao JZ, Liu L, [Efficacy and safety of arbidol in treatment of naturally acquired influenza], Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 2004 Jun;26(3):289-93.