- Updated on August 3, 2019
– Safety and efficiency of the Frolov device (FDA’s approval)
There are various effects related to hypercapnic hypoxic training during and after application of the Frolov breathing device therapy.
Easy and Simple Way to Learn Diaphragmatic Breathing
It is easy to notice that sick people are generally chest breathers. Chest breathing reduces oxygenation of the arterial blood because lower portions of the lungs do not get new oxygen supply. (This and other additional abnormal effects of chest breathing are described in detail on the web page Chest Breathing Problems, Tests, and Solutions). Generally, people switch to diaphragmatic unconscious breathing at rest, when their morning CP is about 30 seconds or more. Regardless of the health state and other details, Frolov device breathing sessions are done with strictly diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing leads to numerous beneficial effects described above.
CO2-Related Effects
For people without ventilation-perfusion mismatch (over 80% of the sick)
Higher CO2 in the alveoli of the lungs increases CO2 content in the arterial blood. Since CO2 is powerful vasodilator (some research articles claim that it is the most powerful known vasodilator), breathing sessions improve blood supply to all vital organs of the human body. Additional CO2 also enhances the Bohr effect (more oxygen will be released by red blood cells in tissues). Since breathing exercises are done while using the diaphragm, most people will get immediate improvement in the oxygenation of the arterial blood (most modern people are chest breathers and, even though they overbreathe, their heavy chest breathing reduces oxygenation of the arterial blood since lower parts of the lungs do not participate in gas exchange.) Improved cell oxygenation reverses tissue hypoxia and generation of free radicals due to anaerobic energy production mechanism in cells’ mitochondria. This normalizes the work of the immune system (less cellular damage to repair). Additionally, improved metabolism of proteins and amino acids normalizes production of the immune cells. Most importantly, since the breathing session can last up to 15-20 minutes, the breathing center adapts to slower (less) breathing causing a long-lasting increase in arterial blood CO2 content (for many hours after the session).
For people with a ventilation-perfusion mismatch (severe asthma, COPD, emphysema, etc.)
These groups of patients have a too high CO2 level in the arterial blood due to their main problem: dysfunctional alveoli that do not participate in gas exchange. The main physiological problem for them is insufficient oxygenation of the arterial blood and, as a result, too low level of oxygen in cells of the brain, heart, and other vital organs. (Hence, these patients are among the first candidates for breathing supplemental oxygen 24/7).
Breathing through the device increases their CO2 content in the alveoli and airways (bronchi and bronchioles). Since CO2 is a powerful natural bronchodilator and breathing exercises are done with gentle mechanical stretching of the whole lungs (deep diaphragmatic breathing through the device with maximum inhalations and exhalations), the number of their alveoli that participates in gas exchange increases. Therefore, these patients can use finger or pulse oximeters to confirm that their blood oxygenation increases during and after a breathing session.
The main physiological effect of the breathing exercises for these people has improved lung functions and better oxygenation of the arterial blood. This leads to a quick reduction in symptoms of their main disease, increased energy, improved focus, sleep, digestion and many other physiological and biochemical parameters. Their easier and lighter breathing will last for many hours due to the adaptation of the breathing center to slower and more relaxed breathing.
Practical Measurements
The easiest way to measure the efficiency of the Frolov breathing device therapy is to measure and compare the initial and final CPs. Measure your CP just before the session and 1-2 min after finishing it. Practical experience suggests that the Frolov breathing therapy is superior to Buteyko breathing exercises by about 50-80%. Such advantage is possible due to a variety of factors: mainly increased dead volume, a large amplitude of diaphragmatic movements, and presence of positive resistance pressure during exhalation, all of which help to achieve higher CO2 concentrations in the alveoli of the lungs.
It is reasonable then, that the daily log for the Frolov breathing therapy exercises includes the initial and final CPs, as the key measured parameters of success. Most, but not all students also experience a significant and immediate reduction in heart rate, while the pulse gets lower later for other students.
In my view, the Frolov device is probably the most efficient known device for breathing exercises. Solidly based on Buteyko’s theory of chronic hyperventilation and alveolar hypocapnia as foundations of many chronic diseases, the Frolov device combines best features of the Buteyko reduced breathing exercises, pranayama (from Hatha Yoga), PowerLung and pursed lip (resistive) breathing.
Warning. Breathing exercises can cause powerful cleansing reactions and can be dangerous for pregnant women, people with organ transplants, GI problems, and panic attacks, as well as those who take medication for diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, and other conditions. Consult your health care provider and follow special guidelines, which can be found in the Module Restrictions, limits, and temporary contraindications.
Related links and web pages (Frolov breathing device and endogenous breathing):
– Frolov breathing device and endogenous breathing – Overview
– Frolov device history
– Frolov device: How does it work
– Frolov device effects
– Acute asthma exacerbations clinical trial
– COPD breathing exercises
– Buy Frolov breathing device with 30 min online support from Dr. Artour
– How to Use Frolov Device (Instructions)
– Breathslim and Samozdrav – Prototypes of the Frolov breathing device.
The main Frolov-device page provides interesting facts about the Frolov device and its popularity in Russia.